Our Family and Friends Group

Mangapapa Family & Friends:

The Family and Friends committee of Mangapapa School need your support, our numbers are dwindling so new faces are required. We are a volunteer group that organise and help out at events and initiatives which financially support the school.

Any assistance is welcome, there are no obligations.

What do f&F do?

The fundraising efforts of the F & F group have meant that in the past the school could supply hats at discounted prices, renew rugby and netball uniforms, choir shirts and polyflavas costumes; purchase games, puzzles, outdoor gear, curtains and electronic whiteboards for the classrooms.

The types of fundraising we do are the hot milo drinks, raffles and the cross country sponsorship.

Who can join or how do I find out more?

Come to our next meeting!

Please feel free to join our Facebook page. Click here to visit our Facebook page.

Everyone is welcome - parents - grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends....